Croydon Adult Learning And Training

  • Wednesday 18-11-2020

CALAT’s award-winning provision has been delivering courses to residents in the borough of Croydon and beyond for over 70 years.


Our exciting programme includes a wide variety of recreational, academic, pre-vocational and vocational courses. Subject areas include; Health & social care, creative arts, business administration, ICT, languages, English and Maths, English for speakers of other languages, Childcare and education and courses for adults with learning disabilities.


We also work with businesses and employers to deliver training aimed at raising the skills level of employees and developing the workforce.


CALAT is THE home of Adult Education in Croydon!


Courses to include:

• Introduction to Digital Skills (using Zoom / Excel)

• Personal Development (Job Search / CV’s Interview Prep)

• Proactive Wellbeing techniques designed to increase confidence and the ability to cope with change


For more information contact:

  • Value Croydon
  • Good Employer Croydon
  • Calat
  • Wuropean Union Social Fund