Who are we and what do we do?

Croydon Works is Croydon’s Job and Training Hub! We have been operating since 2016 as the primary free recruitment service, working in partnership with the South London Partnership, the UK Government and the Mayor of London. 


In 7 years we have guided over 1200 residents into work and engaged with over 6000, supporting them with a wide range of pathways into employment and skills. Our service works with businesses in and around the Croydon area who are looking to find local, skilled and experienced talent. We have knowledgeable and sector specific Brokerage Officers to engage with employers and residents.


Over the years, training has been a huge part of what we do and how we are dedicated to supporting Croydon residents into sustainable employment. We have hosted training in a range of areas such as: Employability, Customer Service, Security, Construction, Hospitality and many more. Furthermore, we treat apprenticeships as a top priority and understand the importance of gaining vocational qualifications.


We have engaged with 400+ employers including leading Croydon employers such as Croydon Council, Henry’s Construction, the NHS, Royal Mail and Waitrose.


Croydon Works engages with residents who have a range of experience and are from all walks of life, so wherever you are in your career path get in touch with the team to see how we can help!





Croydon residents

Our service is specifically designed to support Croydon residents and offer dedicated support in to sustainable employment. We work closely with a number of partners to provide a wide range of pathways in to employment including:


  • Access to vacancies across a vast number of organisations in Croydon and surrounding areas
  • Sector specific training
  • Apprenticeships
  • Work experience placements
  • Careers advice, CV advice and interview preparation
  • Access to a wide range of employability services in Croydon

We work with residents with a range of experience and from all walks of life so wherever you are in your career get in touch with the team to see how we can help.


Croydon Works is funded by UKSPF People and Skills provided by: SLP, UK Government and Mayor of London



Are you an employer looking to recruit in Croydon?  Having difficulties finding candidates with suitable skills or experience? Need support with delivering on social value commitments?


Croydon works is a free-to-use professional recruitment service aimed at working with businesses in and around the Croydon area who are looking to find skilled and experienced candidates. We work closely with you to understand your requirements and provide a fully comprehensive service based around your needs and processes and our service will always be free of charge.


Using our extensive candidate pool and our experienced account managers on hand to manage your recruitment drive, we offer a wide range of services including:


  • Creation of job descriptions and role profiles for advertising
  • CV sifting and candidate screening
  • Interview and recruitment days
  • Job and sector specific training for prospective candidates
  • Facilitating apprenticeships, traineeships and work experience placements
  • Post placement support
  • Delivery mechanism for Section 106 agreements Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Value agreements

To find out how we can support your recruitment contact one of our experienced account managers today on:

Get in touch VIA our CONTACT FORM

Or contact us via telephone and email

020 8604 7471 / croydon-works@croydon.gov.uk