Jasmine - Apprentice

Croydon Works, along with the Croydon Apprenticeship Academy, supported Jasmine into her new role last summer as part of our 100 in 100 campaign. Jasmine works within the Discretionary Support Team, as a Business Administration Apprentice.  Since the start of the Covid-19 outbreak the workload of the discretionary support team has increased by more than 200%. An unprecedented rise in resident queries has led to a huge increase in the number of queries coming through to the team’s inbox – which is where Jasmine comes in.


Jasmine has been in charge of looking after the inbox since the start of her apprenticeship in the team. Caroline Beech, Enablement Discretionary Manager, said: "Jasmine has just stepped up. She is busier than she has ever been and has not complained once. She has just got on with it and has dealt with all issues diligently. She really has gone above and beyond, volunteering to work at weekends to call vulnerable residents and ensure they have food or arranged deliveries of food for them."


A huge well done to Jasmine!