Croydon Adult Learning & Training (CALAT) are looking for volunteers to assist in the classroom.


If you have time to volunteer for a minimum of two hours per week for a 10-week term then we'd love you to apply.


Voluntary work is a great way to learn new skills, and boost confidence. 

The learner support service is responsible for:


  • The organisation and delivery of a programme of courses specially designed for people with disabilities.
  • Providing the necessary guidance, assessment and support to students and tutors to enable successful learning experiences.
  • The organisation and delivery of additional support for people with disabilities in CALAT centres throughout the borough.


The volunteer will be part of the learner support team and will be managed by the Support Staff Co-ordinator with additional support from the course tutor.


Volunteers are used in 2 roles:


  • To work alongside a learner with disabilities who requires assistance or support in the classroom and centre, under the guidance of the course tutor (with support from the learner support team).
  • To support a group of learners in a course specially designed for people with disabilities, under the guidance of the course tutor (with support from the learner support team).


Main Activities of the Volunteer.


To promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities through:


  • Listening to, and understanding the tutor in order to be able to reinforce their advice and instructions to the learner as necessary.
  • Supporting learners by repeating instructions, prompting, guiding etc.
  • Encouraging learners to use their initiative and work as independently as possible.
  • Liaison with the course tutor and support staff co-ordinator.
  • Guiding and assisting learner in preparing and clearing away workspace as appropriate.
  • Regular attendance at volunteer team meetings and training.



You need no experience for the job.


Where you will be working.

It is possible to work in any of the main CALAT centres or outreach centres around the borough. These are situated in New Addington, Thornton Heath, and Central Croydon.


Hours of Work.

A minimum of one 2-hour session every week for a 10-week term is required.




As a volunteer you will receive:


  • Travel expenses within the Croydon Borough Boundary to a maximum cost of a one-day travel card or car mileage to and from the placement.
  • On going support and supervision.
  • A review of your work on a termly basis.
  • In service training
  • As a volunteer with CALAT, you are entitled to apply for the employee development scheme. This means you will be able to pay the D-rate fee on a CALAT course of your choice or to enrol on a non-discounted, (E rate) course, at 20% reduction.
  • Within this role as a volunteer, you will have opportunities to develop new skills.

PLEASE NOTE: A short application form will be required to apply for this role. 

  • Croydon Works

Express an interest in this opportunity

To apply for this position please enter your email address below and a member of the Croydon Works team will be in touch to support you to complete an application. If you have not yet registered you will be required to do so in the next step.

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